
Friday 7 February 2014

I am a lifer!

I have had a very eventful couple of weeks.

On the 18th of January we celebrated my sisters 30th birthday at my parents house with a chinese take away, birthday cake, chocolate biscuit cake and lots of alcohol. My sisters boyfriend asked me how I was going to deal with the weekend on Weight Watchers and my response was exactly this,

''This weekend never happened!''

So I ate like it never happened, I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. I'm talking 8 slices of birthday cake in one weekend!

What do you think happened when I faced the scale at weigh in on Tuesday?...nope you didn't guess right, I actually had a stay the same. 

What this news did for me was make me over confident. My own birthday was the next weekend and I had a tea party planned. My friend Mandi made me a beautiful cake and I probably had about 8 slices of that over my birthday weekend too. I continues to eat like it never happened. what I wanted, when I wanted. 

My Birthday Cake

What do you think happened when I faced the scales on the following Tuesday?...yep, this time I was up! 3lbs!

It all caught up with me big time. You would think that was enough to kick me back into tip top weight watching shape, but it wasn't. I had spiraled out of control. My motivation was non existant. I was supposed to be trying out Simple Start this week, what I did was my own special version, Simple Start meals followed by whatever I wanted.  I ate and I ate and I ate my way to this weeks weigh in where I faced the scales and another 2.5lb gain! 

I was so mad with myself, so disappointed. how could I do this. How could I, the Weight Watchers gold member and future leader who had adorned the cover of the Weight Watchers supplement in the RTE Guide (oh, I will tell you all about that soon!) fall of the wagon so badly?

Myself and Will enjoying my birthday.

I thought about it all night after weigh in and I realised that I am human, yes I am a gold member and future leader but I am firstly and foremost a Weight Watchers member, I have a problem with food and I will have that problem for ever. I am in this for life! In life there will be slip ups, there will be moments and occasions where we give in or choose to forget about counting pro points for a while. The important thing is to go back, to climb back on the Weight Watchers wagon and move on.

Which is exactly what I am doing this week. Since Tuesday I have been following Simple Start properly and I have been enjoying every second of it. I am full, I am satisfied and I feel great!

I came across a competition that my favourite retro brand Stop Staring are doing. You simple enter a picture of you wearing one of their dresses and one lucky person will win a dress from them. It got me looking back at pictures from after I got to goal. I purchased a very special Stop Staring dress to be my goal dress and I wore it to the unofficial Weight Watchers christmas party in Tullamore. I started to remember what buying that dress felt like and how much I loved Weight Watchers for changing my life. I know I will never slip back to the old me if I keep that in my mind.
I decided to enter the picture in the competition. 

My goal dress.

I would love all the help I could get to win this competition so if your feeling generous please follow this link and vote for me

Thank you all very much,

1 comment:

  1. We all slip up from time to time. I know its hard but try not to beat yourself up too much and jump back on the wagon :)
