Monday 17 August 2015

Still In The Fight!

You haven't heard from me in quite a while, I have been AWOL from Weight Watchers the last few weeks. I had all but given up entirely. I had a lot of changes in my life over the last few weeks, I finished up being a leader with Weight Watchers and I started a new job working at Benefit Cosmetics. I love my new job, but as I was settling in over the last few weeks, I found it to difficult to focus on that & eating right. to be very honest, I didn't care one single bit, I didn't want to do weight watchers any more, I was tired of it, I wanted to eat whatever the heck I wanted and not care about gaining weight. that was true for a while, I truly didn't care, I was eating anything I felt like and I was happy, for a while at least.
Then the novelty wore off, I started to notice the lbs I had gained, I started to feel sluggish & tired and I became very unhappy & distressed over my weight, but I didn't know what to do, I felt like I couldn't stop and go back to Weight Watchers & my healthy habits. So I continued on that path for a while, guilty & miserable but pretending I was happy with my choice.

I feel like I have been through 10 rounds in a ring, I am emotionally battered & bruised, my will power is hanging on by a very, very fine thread. But I have realised that it's still there, that I do want this & I am still in the fight! I have hope that I can get back to my fighting weight.
So, I took my battered self and my tattered will power off to class this morning & I emerged from that class feeling shiny & new again, my will power firmly back in its place. I can do this, I will do this! Just the act of attending class this morning and knowing that I am now back on track has made me feel lighter, honestly it has. I feel in control again. its a wonderful feeling.

So, if you have been struggling & giving up hope, if you have stopped going to class, go back. it will help. Attending class is honestly the only way to do this, we need the motivation & support of our leaders & fellow members, Think of them as your coach and your cheerleaders. They want you to succeed!