Wednesday 22 April 2015

My 13 Week Challenge - Week 3: A Huge Sigh of Relief

Tonight I had my 3rd weigh in of my 13lbs in 13 weeks challenge.

Week one, I did plenty of activity, but over did it with the Easter chocolate and gained 2lbs.
Week two, I kept up my activity and worked hard at making the right food choices, unfortunately 2 days before weigh in my period came and I gained another 2lbs, I was so upset and annoyed that I couldn't bring myself to blog about that one. I moved on from that and used my anger as fuel to have an absolutely fantastic week.

This week, I kept up my activity, I even went on a 13km walk with my friend and I clocked up 28 activity points over the week. I put in a huge effort with my food and stuck with Simple Start for the week. I did go off track for one meal out when my parents came to visit, but I managed to reign it back in right away and I am so proud of that. I had a very enjoyable week and I feel great.

So you can imagine my huge sigh of relief when I stepped up on the scales tonight and finally saw a minus. I was secretly hoping for 2lbs but I wanted to be OK with any loss so I was trying not to get my hopes up. I lost the 2lbs, but not only did I lose the 2lbs I had my single biggest weekly loss ever. I lost 4.5lbs!

Thank Goodness! I am so relieved to see a loss after 3 weeks. It was definitely well deserved on my part. Now I am on schedule with my 13lbs in 13 weeks challenge.

8.5lbs to go and 10 weeks left. I can do it!