Wednesday, 27 March 2013

The Easter Bunnies a comin...uh oh!

Easter, one of my favorite times of year...all that delicious chocolate, which I believe tastes even better in easter egg form! So how am I planning to tackle this one...being a chocoholic its normal for me to end up with 6+ easter eggs on easter sunday (I have a very strict rule about not eating any easter eggs before easter sunday) this year I have asked my mom and boyfriend only to buy me one each so thats two, which for me is saintly good. I plan to use my weekly pro points allowance to eat one of them on sunday which will be 23pp for the egg excluding the little eggs inside (Im getting the caramel egg one, my fav!) 33pp including the eggs. so i'll have some weeklies left over for any other temptations that come my my this weekend, which there will probably be a few as im visiting my parents for the weekend. I say create a plan and try your damnest to stick to it, no point in depriving yourself of something you love, only to crash and burn as a result. oh and track,track,track!

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