Wednesday 14 August 2013

Motivation - It was lost but now it's found.

I weighed in this week with a stay the same. I was devastated, I really was expecting to be down. I tracked everything. I used all my weeklies but you are meant to be able to do that and I have done it countless times and lost weight, so it couldn't have been that. There are two things that I could put it down to, 1. the bank holiday disaster was still catching up on me and 2. I had a few drinks on saturday night so it might be alcohol, I haven't been drinking much alcohol since I started weight watchers.

Whatever it was I was in fowl form after weigh in and I got chipper chips and onion rings for my dinner after weigh in and then I ate half a packet of digestive biscuits with tea. Did that make me feel any better? well, no of course it didn't. It actually made me feel worse. A lot worse. I was way past feeling full, I felt really sick and disgusting. I was moaning to Will for the rest of the night about how sick I felt. I realised that I used to eat like that all the time and I wouldn't even feel sick. I thought to myself, 'you cant go back to that. you have got to pull it together!'

 Today I started pulling myself and my attitude back together. I made a 7 day menu plan and went to the supermarket and bought everything I needed. I measured my waist, thighs and arms so that I could track my measurements and my weight. I was delighted to discover that I have so far lost 4 inches from my waist since joining weight watchers. I went out for a skate today and did 6.5km, I am trying to prepare for a 17km wheelathon that I am doing on saturday which I should have started practicing for weeks ago. I also learned that derby practice is back on this weekend after a 6 week break at the end of the season. I cant wait to get back to derby training, it's really intense and will really help my weight loss.
Cork Charity Wheelathon - 17km
I made a yummy, filling dinner today for only 8pp. vegetable & bacon stir fry with rice.

serves 2

1 onion sliced
1 carrot sliced
less that a 1/4 of a head of white cabbage shredded
1/2 head of broccoli chopped
3 bacon medallions
4 tinned pineapple rings diced(in their own juice but drain the juice)

all stir fried in soy sauce and serve with 150 gram of cooked rice.

Veg & Bacon stir fry with rice
I also discovered a lovely treat today, well it's not a new treat, I have been eating marshmallows as a treat for a while, but I bought different ones today and was delighted when I pointed them. A 30g serving worked out at 3pp and when I weighed them out on my scales that was 11 marshmallows! they are the Aldi's twisted marshmallows.

I have now got renewed motivation and it's quiet exciting. I am looking forward to next weeks weigh in already. x

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